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/ World WeatherDisc - Clim…Data for the Planet Earth / World WeatherDisc - Climate Data for The Planet Earth (WeatherDisc Associates).ISO

Directories (13)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
airport3   clim203   coadclm4
coads5   daily2   division7
freeze3   lcd2   sadler4
sun3   tropcyc5   usnorm4

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
light Text File 19,126 574KB 1989-02-28
monthly.rad Text File 163,812 40MB 1989-02-28
readme Text File 150 7KB 1989-02-28
station.his Text File 62,830 5MB 1989-02-28
thunder Text File 444,327 12MB 1989-02-28
tornado Text File 28,485 2MB 1989-02-28

Other Files (1)
vtoc.sys Unknown 10KB 1989-03-07